Gauge interest for an unofficial content creators site

For the past week I’ve been working on both a Notions page, and a forum(similar to this one), with the intention of gathering the writings, videos, podcast links, twitter posts, basically any content created by community members.
The goal is not to be an exclusive place to post your material but for it to be a site where you could post links to your content if you would like to, or post your material on the site itself. It’s could be a chance for the lesser known/aspiring creators to get more exposure by simply posting a link to their content.
Through being active in the Terra community for a while now I’ve realized just how different the experience, skill-set and knowledge in the community is and my aim is to:
A) Have a place where every content creators with different niches has a chance to get more exposure to readers/viewers/listeners from people who wouldn’t actively look for that type of content.
B) Simultaneously It could act as a portal for the community members interested in certain topics to easily find information and authors/creators that caters to their needs and interests. Could also help people gain more knowledge through an increased interest for different topics they otherwise wouldn’t go looking for.
(I’ve created it as a Terra content on everything Terra + Educational, economy, trading, psychological factors, Individual projects etc. so it wouldn’t be exclusive to Mars, though Mars has It’s own category/topic )
Since It’s taking some time, and I might need to fund the hosting of the domain myself, I would like to put up a poll to see if it is actually worth it:

  • Yes I would definitely use it!
  • No there is no need for it
  • I would only use it if there are direct incentives for uploading to it

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Poll number 2: concerning using a notions page which is far easier both for me to create and still easy for people to use vs a forum type like this.
For a forum I would pretty much need to pay for the domain and hosting myself, while a notions page would be free.
So with a forum type I could allow for ads to be enabled on the site(which I’m not really a fan of) and if the revenue goes over the hosting fee’s then that could be used as an incentive(like top 3 members with the most likes for the months), alternatively set up a donation wallet address where the fund distribution would work the same(I do think this works on a notions page as well though)

  • Notions page
  • Forum
  • Forum but no advertisements allowed

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