I missed the message with depreciated USDC.axl (maybe next time it would be great to make a banner that would allert user that the asset they are borrowing will be in few weeks depreciated).
How do I repay my USDC.axl debt at the moment? I am unable to deposit, nor trade USDC.axl asset. Currently APR is -160% which is basically eating my resources.
Hi @awreyz! You would need to get some USDC.axl onto your wallet balance (it is available on Osmosis for example) as USDC.axl cannot be deposited to Mars credit accounts any longer. Then you should be able to repay with it as normal (from your wallet directly without deposit).
USDC.axl is deprecated but you can still repay debt. Do not deposit it to the account, simply have it in your wallet and select to repay from your wallet by clicking repay on the Borrow screen. Make sure you are using the official Mars frontend to be sure it is up to date.