MRC-2: New Asset Listing - MIR

thanks for creating the MRC @JonathanSmith

two issues i have with this proposal:

  1. the DEX liquidity for MIR-UST is a bit low for TWAP; it’s generally considered that $100M is required;
  2. the collateral power you’re suggesting is aggressive: 70% LTV and 80% liq. threshold. in comparison, ANC uses 40% LTV and 50% liq. threshold. this could be risky as of now when we don’t have an efficient community of liquidators.

RE point 1: Chainlink is working on an MIR feed (among others) which i expect to go live on Terra mainnet soon. would you be open to: 1) put off this MRC until the Chainlink feed is ready, and 2) use more conservative risk paramters? (which, of course, can be adjusted by governance later)